The third DSC session started with the official Opening Ceremony on December 13, 2019. Panel Discussion “Successful Democracy and Market Economy – the Role of Women” was a part of the programme. Anka Feldhusen, Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine, Mariia Ionova, a member of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, “European Solidarity” Party, Olga Rudneva, Executive Director of the ANTI AIDS Foundation, Tetyana Korotka, Deputy Business Ombudsman, Business Ombudsman Council – Ukraine, and Prof. Dr. Niclas Rüffer, DSC Senior Fellow, Research Fellow, Mannheim University and Technical Advisor, GIZ Ukraine, as the moderator, spoke about the Role of Women in modern Ukraine, its political and economic life, and touched upon gender issues.
Opening Ceremony

The DSC 2019-2020 December Working Session

On December 14, an interesting lecture “New Technologies: Possible Impact on Social Life and Democracy” was delivered by Jacek Wojciechowicz, an economist and a diplomat. He has presented to the scholars how IT Technologies create new prospects and opportunities in the Business sphere.
Rafał Dutkiewicz, the former Mayor of Wrocław (2002-2018), made a presentation about the reforms that he has carried out during his presidency and the important changes Wloclaw has gone through. During that period, public investments increased in times, a “smart city” model was implemented. Wrocław has become an international city with over 170.000 foreigners from 124 countries.

In the afternoon, Dr. Niclas Rüffer, Senior Fellow at the DSC 2019-2020, delivered the third lecture in the Core business course of the DSC 2019-2020 academic year. During the lecture, the scholars presented the results of their researches devoted to the business sphere in Moldova, Belarus, Armenia and Ukraine. There was a lot of interesting and live discussions about the business culture in the EaP countries in the course of the lecture.
Dr. Jan Klaus Tänzler, Research Fellow at Mannheim University and business advisor specialized in Family business, conducted a workshop on Strategic Management.

The day of December 15, 2019 began with a short but inspiring introduction on Digital Marketing. Bernhard Storz, an expert in PR and Marketing, shared his own experience in marketing and presented effective marketing tools intended to support the participants with their own projects.
For those scholars who are aimed at an academic career, we have prepared a workshop conducted by the DSC Senior Fellow Andreas Umland. He delivered the workshop on how to publish: articles, papers or books in the Western countries.

Dr. Iryna Chernysh, the DSC Project Manager. She held a workshop on budgeting and planning, in the course of which she shared her own experience using real examples of budgets and activity plans.